Health & Beauty - Be The Goddess You Are


Hecate’s Oatmeal Body Wash

Hecate’s Oatmeal Body Wash provides the soothing qualities of oatmeal, with the healing properties of Vitamin E.  Shower with this product before bed and sleep the night through without irritation and itch. Suitable for all ages. Oatmeal body wash is used to calm skin iritations, and rashes.  Choose your favorite scent from vanilla, lavender, lemon, peppermint, cinnamon,...

Aglaia’s Pore Refining Mask

 Remember when you were a child and your face was glowing and fresh?  No visible pores?  Since Aglaia is the youngest of the three graces she wants to share some of her youth with you!  This all natural peel off mask leaves your pores clear and visibly smaller!  Just like when you were a child!  Contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Gently removes blackheads...

Cliodhna’s Chocolate-Almond Facial Scrub

Cliodhna (klee-OH-nah) was a beautiful Celtic goddess whose beauty lives on, and it will for you too if you use this all natural Chocolate-Almond Facial Scrub.  The intoxicating smell of chocolate and almond will trigger wonderful feelings of luxury as you rub away the impurities on your face that has built up throughout your week.  Gentle exfoliating scrub can be used daily to remove...

Anukis's Strawberry Facial Mask

On a clear summer morning with rays of sun beginning to spread over the field, a grandmother holding her small grandchild’s hand walks along a path headed to a burbling brook. Along the way they stop and pick wild strawberries. If you can imagine the freshness, and newness of this summer morning along with the delight the child feels upon finding the sweet berries, then you can imagine how...

Wachilt’s Seaweed Mask

This Celtic goddess of the sea wants to share a secret from the depths of the sea with you, Wachilt’s beauty secret is…seaweed!  This refreshing all natural clay mask has all the healing qualities of seaweed combined with a soothing clay mixture that will relax your skin to keep it soft and supple.  If you’ve been experiencing tight, dry skin then you’ll love the effects this facial...

Anukis’s Fruity Body Lotion

This rich, creamy body lotion will smooth dry skin and give you an all-natural glow.  After a shower or bubble bath, use this delightful lotion to give back the fruity vitamins that have been washed away.  Because this lotion is all-natural it is a wonderful lotion to use after shaving.  No artificial scents or alcohol means there is no burning! ...

Anukis's Fruity Hand Cream

Tempting fruity scents and nurturing vitamins from your favorite fruit can be found in this wonderfully refreshing all natural hand cream. Whether it is the amino acids in Strawberries or invigorating citric acids in Oranges, you get to choose what to feed your dry and hungry hands! Added beeswax provides a barrier against any of your hands enemies. Vitamin E oil heals any harm...

Venus's Sensual Hand Cream

Imagine Venus’s intoxicating scents in a lovely hand cream that keeps your hands soft and supple throughout the harsh dryness of winter. This hand cream can offer the warm scent of sandalwood or the affectionate scent of cinnamon in a creamy nurturing all natural hand cream. Added beeswax provides a barrier against any of your hands enemies. Vitamin E oil heals any harm already...

Venus’s Sensual Body Lotion

If you’re looking for an all natural body lotion that will make you feel like a lovely goddess but you want a woodsy or earthy scent, then Venus’s Sensual Body Lotion is the all-natural lotion you need.  Choose your favorite scent from a variety that has been used since ancient historic times.  Perfect for an evening out on the town, or a romantic evening with a loved one! ...

Anukis's Fruity Massage Oil

Anukis (an-OO-kiss) has a lovely Fruity Massage Oil for you. The light oils will moisturize your skin while vitamin rich fruit will nourish you from the outside in! The tantalizing scent of your choice of fruit will revive your senses and re-energize your spirit. This soothing all-natural massage will relax tired muscles with pure oils to replenish your skin. Massage oil leaves...


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